Amongst the Mob

Yesterday was 34 degrees. The previous night we decided we would do the hop-on-hop-off bus around Madrid to get familiar with the city so purchased some tickets.  We sussed the metro out (as we felt it best not to drive 😀) and got to the centre of the city to find out the bus wasn’t running because there was a major protest happening, people had come from all around Spain to the protest. We got back on the metro and decided to go a couple of stops away and get out of the crowds – ha this is what we got at that stop. They were either wearing red, green or orange and all had signs, whistles and loud speakers, we watched it later on BBC news – it wasn’t agressive but a bit disconcerting being amongst that many people.

Managed to find an information centre and asked about the bus they told us they should be running again at about 2pm.  Best we find a café and eat. The thing in the contraption (with the hoof on the end of it) to Trevor’s right is a leg of pork all the café’s and bars have them, it is aged and they serve it with bread.

 We got the bus and stayed on it for most of the afternoon, until it got too hot and we had to get off and find a drink spot.

Today is another hot one and we are off to the flea market, onto the metro again, it is such a great way to travel. The flea market is massive and there must be 100,000 people there.

Just by chance we happen to be staying in the Remuera of Madrid!! (Actually Remmers would not be this flash). So funny it is very, very upmarket shopping etc, the cars and people are very sophisticated and dress immaculately (you should see how they dress their kids) – here is us slopping around in our jandals – so funny, hence we don’t spend much time in the area but get the metro to the more basic areas, lol. Off to a Bull fight now, and tomorrow hit the road again to Granada.


Since we were late to Leon last night we spent a couple of hours wandering around the centre this morning, it is very old and some beautiful buildings and such a nice vibe there.
We hit the road at 11:30 and headed to Segovia on our way to Madrid.

Took a couple of wrong turns but managed to find it ok. It is a walled city and we had a wander around especially to look at the Acquaduct, so amazing and also went through the Alcazar there, the armory was pretty cool. 
Had an icecream in the sun and headed to Madrid.

Arrived in Madrid at 7pm 31 degrees!! But we have noticed that Segovia and Madrid’s heat is not humid, its more like ours – so whilst its hot it is very bearable. Will probably stay here for three nights, getting sick of all the driving and just need to stay put for a couple of days, we loved Leon and Segovia, so hopefully Madrid isn’t too much hustle and bustle.

Off to Leon

Today we woke to rain again and we were up, packed and on the road by 8:30am heading to Leon. We wanted to go to the massive caves near there so decided to go on the way to Leon, rather than going through Leon and on to the caves. Hmm Miss GPS had us way up in the mountains, very remote, got to a little village where the front door of the houses opened onto the road. There were a mother and son (elderly) leaning outside their house and we stopped – absolutely no English and our Spanish is non-existent, I showed them a picture of the cave in our guidebook and I managed to understand that we were to keep going along the road, we eventually found it (and discovered that we had taken a very remote road instead of the more mainish one).

This photo doesn’t show how mountainous and narrow it really is (this was the main road into the cave. We got to the cave at 2pm and they didn’t speak English either but managed to convey that the next trip to the cave was 4:30!! Bugger, there was absolutely nothing to do there except eat and sit around – okay that’s not too bad.
It was totally worth it though.

We got out of the cave at 6pm and high-tailed it to Leon. We had booked the hotel the day before online and put the address into Miss GPS – OMG the centre of Leon is totally amazing but for pedestrian traffic only … really. After an hour of searching and trying to drive up lanes the wrong way, we asked at another hotel and he directed us there. We had to walk it, eventually we found it. In order for us to access their car park, we had to walk back to our car, and drive it for about 15 minutes on the outer edge of the city and back around into the car park (this is to circuit the centre and all the one-way roads) needless to say we were tired and frazzled now – it was now 9pm!! But it was totally worth it.

 View from the gorgeous wee balcony in our room.

Its been a while

The past few days we have had dodgy internet but are all good now. Okay what have we been doing. The next morning in San Sebastian was raining so we decided to go for a drive to Bilbao, taking the scenic route. Trev’s driving improved heaps with not too many whoopsies, the coastal road was very narrow, think Skippers road but sealed! Went through a lot of wee villages and ended up at the Guggenheim Museum at Bilbao. Amazing building but no exhibitions currently on that particularly interested us.

We took the motorway back to San Sebastian, found a nice little restaurant and kicked back. I am totally loving the Spanish wine – when you order a white wine (just getting the house wine) it is so nice, and no headaches either – I’m totally into that!!

Have Car will Travel

Picked up our wee car today (a diesel mercedes :D), after extensive mucking around and trying to find out how to start it, it had no gear stick, and there was an annoying message that keep popping up and beeping that it had sensed poor driver concentration and to stop and take a break ggggrrrrr!!  I have never been so scared in all my life – Trevor’s perception of how much room he has on my side of the lane whilst passing other vehicles is pitiful – seriously, I spent most of today trying to steer the car with my body weight, I am not being precious about it – he got tooted at as well by other drivers!!!!

Had numerous toll gates to go through – very educational, one we went to the credit card window and when we put our card in it spat it out and said something in spanish on the display, we had no idea what and the bar didn’t rise up and let us through, so we pushed the attendant button and waited for the attendant to arrive, he put our card back in the right way up and off we went! One we had to give an operator cash and she couldn’t get us to understand how much we had to pay, Trev threw me the wallet and I was 10c short she kept saying the spanish word for 40 but I had only given him 30 after her repeating it 10 times and me not being able to see the coins without my glasses we started laughing and I told Trev to give her notes, but in the end he held out his hand with about $10 in coins and she took what she needed – we were laughing hysterically for a while – and that didn’t help keep him in his lane either!!

And on top of all this, every time he went to indicate he would use the lever on the right side of the steering wheel and shoved the car into neutral!!!!

We couldn’t believe the amount of wind farms and acres of solar panels.

The hotel we are in now is very beautiful and our room is about 10 times bigger than the last one (mind you it woud need to be its about 10 times more expensive as well) but the internet connection is playing up so photos not at full quality today.

The view from the Hotel is stunning, today when we arrived in San Sebastian, it was around 24 degrees, so the coldest day we have had so far (I even put a cardigan on when we went out for dinner tonight!) – the forecast for the next two days is for rain – lol, looks like it was just as well Trevor went to the beach yesterday.


Our last full day in Barcelona, its doesn’t get any colder, a hot 28 degrees (I reckon its more than that!!). We went off to the market this morning amazing array of food.

Then Trev went off to the water front. I had planned to visit a couple of galleries and/or museums today but unfortunately a lot of the museums and galleries are closed Sunday and Monday 🙁 so I had a mooch around Las Ramblas for a few hours, had a look at a couple of churches, had lunch in a beautiful Placa (pronounced platha) which is the equivalent to the Italian Piazza’s.

Resting my feet at the moment, kinda glad we are driving tomorrow so my body gets time to recover. (man I sound old) Tonight we went back to the Placa and had a lovely tapas dinner with lots of entertainment goin on around the square.

There is heaps and heaps of graffiti around the city, not on buildings but all the shops have roller garage doors on them and the ones that are closed show the graffiti – its totally amazing.

Hop-on-hop-off bus

Today we had booked a tour of the city on the Hop-on-hop-off bus. Awesome day 28 degrees and sunny, perfect for riding on the top of this bus. First stop was Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia, totally mind blowing and unreal feeling to finally be in this majestic building, it is still under construction and is due to be completed around 2043.

This was a fantastic way to see the City of Barcelona although you definitely cannot do all three routes in one day, we prioritised what we wanted to see and went from there, although for those intending to visit Barcelona and doing this bus trip – don’t do it on a Sunday if you want to do any shopping of visit any of the museums, they are all closed!! But we still managed to see most of what we wanted to get around.

We are Here

After a one hour delay circling around Brisbane Airport, waiting in the queue to land, we then proceeded to Dubai for a brief stop over and then on to Barcelona, a total of around 23 hours flying, phew.

We landed in Barcelona at 12noon and after a stroll through the luggage collection area we were out of the airport and to our Hotel.  Nice Hotel near centre of the city. When we got to our room, we suddenly remembered the size of hotel rooms in Europe!! Couldn’t open the door cos it hit the bed lol!! It has recently been updated and is quiet and clean.

We decided to go exploring and were soon amongst the hustle along La Rambla and the Catalunya, the streets are very wide here and there is a lot of open spaces. We stumbled across one of the many houses that Gaudi designed and had a look through: Casa Batllo – Amazing it has no straight lines.

Thoroughly enjoyed this and so glad we stumbled across it. Had a walk around the back streets behind our hotel and founds lots of nooks and crannies this ‘deli’ was interesting the meat was ‘aged’

Managed to stay awake until 8:30 then couldn’t stay awake any longer so had to get some sleep.