Yesterday was 34 degrees. The previous night we decided we would do the hop-on-hop-off bus around Madrid to get familiar with the city so purchased some tickets. We sussed the metro out (as we felt it best not to drive 😀) and got to the centre of the city to find out the bus wasn’t running because there was a major protest happening, people had come from all around Spain to the protest. We got back on the metro and decided to go a couple of stops away and get out of the crowds – ha this is what we got at that stop. They were either wearing red, green or orange and all had signs, whistles and loud speakers, we watched it later on BBC news – it wasn’t agressive but a bit disconcerting being amongst that many people.

Managed to find an information centre and asked about the bus they told us they should be running again at about 2pm. Best we find a café and eat. The thing in the contraption (with the hoof on the end of it) to Trevor’s right is a leg of pork all the café’s and bars have them, it is aged and they serve it with bread.
We got the bus and stayed on it for most of the afternoon, until it got too hot and we had to get off and find a drink spot.
Today is another hot one and we are off to the flea market, onto the metro again, it is such a great way to travel. The flea market is massive and there must be 100,000 people there.
Just by chance we happen to be staying in the Remuera of Madrid!! (Actually Remmers would not be this flash). So funny it is very, very upmarket shopping etc, the cars and people are very sophisticated and dress immaculately (you should see how they dress their kids) – here is us slopping around in our jandals – so funny, hence we don’t spend much time in the area but get the metro to the more basic areas, lol. Off to a Bull fight now, and tomorrow hit the road again to Granada.